DSC_2466-400x400Joseph Goldberg


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Joseph Goldberg is a widely recognized expert in parental alienation and the first education expert to co-author and reform mandated divorce education programs with curriculum content in parent-child relational problems, specifically in relation to the topics of parental alienation, realistic estrangement, and enmeshment. The divorce education programs that he has authored are now accredited by the courts in over 500 counties across the U.S. and parents can access these programs online and receive a Certificate of Attendance at www.OnlineParentingPrograms.com .
Mr. Goldberg is also Founder of The Canadian Symposium for Parental Alienation Syndrome, their mission is to help educate mental health professionals in the identification and treatment of parental alienation, and to educate lawyers and other professionals in the psycho-legal dynamics of alienation. The website to C.S.P.A.S. is www.cspas.ca .
In addition, Mr. Goldberg is Founder of www.ParentalAlienationEducation.com this organization provides professionals and parents with continuing education in parental alienation and other parent-child relational problems. Both mental health and legal professionals can obtain CEU’s and CLE’s.
Mr. Goldberg is a member of the prestigious Parental Alienation Study Group ( PASG ), which is led by Dr. William Bernet. The PASG is currently working on inclusion of parental alienation in the ICD-11.

Joseph Goldberg is the author of a continuing educational course titled, “Diagnostic Criteria for Clinical Practitioners in the Treatment of Parental Alienation and Parental Alienation Syndrome,” this course is approved by the American Psychological Association for 18 continuing educational credits.
In 2012, Joseph Goldberg published a social science article titled,” Parental Alienation and Children Exhibiting Visitation Refusal Behaviour ” he also has several other articles in print.
Mr. Goldberg has a parental alienation consulting practice in Florida that provides litigation support to parents and lawyers in cases all across the USA and Canada. His firm is called Goldberg & Associates and the website for his consulting practice is www.ParentalAlienation.ca


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