DSC_2466-400x400Bob Finlay, M.A., R.M.F.T.


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Bob Finlay has a Master’s Degree in Psychology, is a Registered Marriage and Family Therapist in Canada, a Registered Clinical Counselor in BC, a Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor in Canada, a Registered Mediator in BC with the BC Mediator Roster Society
and a Parenting Coordinator with the BC Parenting Coordination Association.  Bob has been mediating since 1990 in the areas of Custody and Access, Division of Assets, Child Protection and Workplace where he has worked with over 200 files involving allegations of Parental Alienation.. He has also conducted Court Ordered Custody and Access Evaluations since 1990 where he evaluated allegations of PAS. Bob will be sharing his ideas and practical tips for mediating with families where PAS is a predominant factor. Bob recently appeared as the mediator in the CBC Documentary, “How to Divorce and not Wreck the Kids.”


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